# Enviros snippet beg "enviroment" w \begin{$1} $0 \end{$1} endsnippet snippet enum "enumerate" w \begin{enumerate}[$1] \item $0 \end{enumerate} endsnippet snippet list "Itemized List" w \begin{itemize} \item $0 \end{itemize} endsnippet snippet def "Definition" w \textbf{$1} - $2 endsnippet snippet align "align" w \begin{align*} $0 \end{align*} endsnippet snippet center "center" w \begin{center} $0 \end{center} endsnippet snippet proof "proof" w \begin{proof} $0 \end{proof} endsnippet snippet ibeg "inline enviroment" w \begin{$1} $2 \end{$1} $0 endsnippet snippet ibmat "inline bmatrix" w \begin{bmatrix} $1 \end{bmatrix} $0 endsnippet snippet ibsmat "inline small bmatrix" w \begin{bsmallmatrix} $1 \end{bsmallmatrix} $0 endsnippet # FRACTIONS snippet // "frac" iA \\frac{$1}{$2}$0 endsnippet # LIMITS snippet lim "limit" w \lim\limits_{$1 \to $2}$3 endsnippet snippet inflim "limit to infinity" w \lim\limits_{n \to \infty} endsnippet # SUMMATION snippet sum "Summation" w \sum\limits_{$1}^{$2}$3 endsnippet snippet prod "Product" w \prod\limits_{$1}^{$2}$3 endsnippet snippet defint "Definite Integral" w \int_{$1}^{$2} $0 endsnippet # MATH MODES priority 10 snippet im "inline math" w $$1$$0 endsnippet snippet bm "block math" w \[ $1 \]$0 endsnippet # mathbb snippet set "Set" w \\{ $0 \\} endsnippet snippet field "Field" w \mathbb{F} endsnippet snippet complex "Set of Complex" w \mathbb{C} endsnippet snippet reals "Set of Reals" w \mathbb{R} endsnippet snippet rationals "Set of Rational" w \mathbb{Q} endsnippet snippet integers "Set of Integers" w \mathbb{Z} endsnippet snippet naturals "Set of Naturals" w \mathbb{N} endsnippet snippet matrix "Set of Matricies" w \mathbb{M}_{$1}($2)$0 endsnippet # OTHERS snippet implies "Implies" w \to endsnippet snippet iff "If and only if" w \leftrightarrow endsnippet snippet mod "Mod" w {\ (\textrm{mod}\ $1)} endsnippet snippet floor "Floor" w \lfloor $1 \rfloor endsnippet snippet cubert "Cube root" w \sqrt[\leftroot{-2}\uproot{2}3]{$1} endsnippet snippet nroot "Root" w \sqrt[\leftroot{-2}\uproot{2}$1]{$2} endsnippet snippet ceil "Ceiling" w \lceil $1 \rceil endsnippet snippet sin "Sin" w \sin($1) endsnippet snippet cos "Cos" w \cos($1) endsnippet snippet tan "Tan" w \tan($1) endsnippet snippet asin "Arcsin" w \sin^{-1}($1) endsnippet snippet acos "Arccos" w \cos^{-1}($1) endsnippet snippet atan "Arctan" w \tan^{-1}($1) endsnippet snippet sins "Sin Squared" w \sin^{2}($1) endsnippet snippet coss "Cos Squared" w \cos^{2}($1) endsnippet snippet tans "Tan Squared" w \tan^{2}($1) endsnippet snippet cis "Cis" w \mathrm{cis}($1) endsnippet snippet ... "elpises" iA \ldots endsnippet snippet big) "Big paren" w \left( $1 \right) $0 endsnippet snippet big| "Big abs" w \left| $1 \right| $0 endsnippet # text snippet span "Span" w \text{span}($0) endsnippet snippet col "Col" w \text{Col}($0) endsnippet snippet row "Row" w \text{Row}($0) endsnippet snippet rank "Rank" w \text{Rank}($0) endsnippet snippet nullity "Nullity" w \text{Nullity}($0) endsnippet snippet tab "Tabular" w \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{$1} \hline $0 \hline \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} endsnippet snippet mtab "Math Tabular" w \begin{align*} \begin{array}{$1} \hline $0 \hline \hline \end{array} \end{align*} endsnippet snippet eea "Extended Euclidian Algorithm" w \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline x & y & r & q\\\\ \hline 1 & 0 & $1 & 0\\\\ 0 & 1 & $2 & 0\\\\ $3 \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} endsnippet snippet lemma "Lemma" w \textbf{Lemma $1} \fbox{% \parbox{\textwidth}{ $0 }% } endsnippet snippet piecewise "Piecewise" w \[ \begin{cases} $0 \end{cases} \] endsnippet snippet graph "Graph" w \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ ticks=none, axis lines = middle, axis line style={->}, ymin=-5, ymax=5, xmin=-5, xmax=5, xlabel={$x$}, ylabel={$y$}, axis equal image ] \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} endsnippet