#!/bin/sh # pinosaur's blog script blog_index_file="blogindex.html" rolling_file="rolling.html" template_file="template.html" rss_file="rss.xml" data_dir="blog" [ ! -z "$EDITOR" ] && EDITOR="vim" init() { read -p "Initialize blog? [y/n] " ask [ "$ask" != "y" ] && exit 0 mkdir -p "$data_dir/drafts" &&\ mkdir -p "$data_dir/published" &&\ mkdir -p "$data_dir/html" echo "Created blog files" } refresh() { start_token="" end_token="" read -p "Are you sure you want to refresh? [y/n] " ask [ "$ask" != "y" ] && exit 0 # delete everything between tokens sed -i "/$start_token/,/$end_token/{/$start_token/!{/$end_token/!d}}" "$blog_index_file" # deletes all html files and republishes all published files } new() { [ -z "$1" ] && echo "Please give your blog post a name (you should put it inside quotations)" && exit 1 # sanitize input sanitized=`echo -n "$1" | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9 _-]//g'| sed -e 's/ /-/g'` # open in editor $EDITOR "$data_dir/drafts/$sanitized.draft.html" } publish() { drafts=`ls -1 "$data_dir/drafts" | sed -e 's/\.draft\.html$//'` [ -z "$drafts" ] && echo "No drafts to publish" && exit 0 echo "Select which draft to publish" echo "$drafts" | nl read -p '> ' choice to_publish=`ls -1 "$data_dir/drafts/" | sed -n "$choice p"` [ -z "$to_publish" ] && echo "Invalid choice" && exit 1 cat $template_file |\ sed -e "s/{{TITLE}}/$to_publish/g; s/{{DATE}}/`date +'%a, %b %d %H:%M'`/g" |\ sed -e "/{{BODY}}/r $data_dir/drafts/$to_publish" |\ sed -e "/{{BODY}}/d" \ > "$data_dir/html/${to_publish%.draft.html}.html" mv "$data_dir/drafts/$to_publish" "$data_dir/published/" # Add new entry to blog index (do something about indent??) sed -i "// a

$to_publish<\\/h3>" "$blog_index_file" } delete() { published=`ls -1 "$data_dir/published" | sed -e 's/\.draft\.html$//'` [ -z "$published" ] && echo "No posts to delete" && exit 0 echo "Select which post to delete" echo "$published" | nl read -p '> ' choice to_delete=`ls -1 "$data_dir/published/" | sed -n "$choice p"` [ -z "$to_delete" ] && echo "Invalid choice" && exit 1 mv "$data_dir/published/$to_delete" "$data_dir/drafts/" &&\ rm "$data_dir/html/${to_delete%.draft.html}.html" # remove entry from blog index } # check to see if all required files are present [ ! -f $blog_index_file ] && echo "missing $blog_index_file" && exit 1 [ ! -f $rolling_file ] && echo "missing $rolling_file" && exit 1 [ ! -f $template_file ] && echo "missing $template_file" && exit 1 [ ! -f $rss_file ] && echo "missing $rss_file" && exit 1 # possibly also check to see if index and rolling have the proper headers # check if blog dir exists [ ! -d $data_dir ] && init case $1 in i|init) init;; n|new) new "$2";; p|publish) publish;; d|delete) delete;; r|refresh) refresh;; h|*) echo "helper";; esac