extern printf extern malloc extern realloc extern free extern memset global readFile global readLine section .data wrongfile_str db `unable to open file, error code: %i\n`, 0x00 section .text ; reads file line by line ; args: filename ; return: ; eax - pointer to mem ; ecx - lines read readFile: %define _FILE_NAME 8 %define FILE_HANDLE 4 %define IS_EOF 8 %define LINES_READ 12 %define BUF_PTR 16 ; malloced array of strings push ebp mov ebp, esp ; allocate vars sub esp, 16 mov DWORD [ebp-FILE_HANDLE], 0x00 mov DWORD [ebp-IS_EOF], 0x00 mov DWORD [ebp-LINES_READ], 0x00 push 0 call malloc mov [ebp-BUF_PTR], eax ; open existing file mov eax, 5 mov ebx, [ebp+_FILE_NAME] mov ecx, 0 mov edx, 0777 int 0x80 mov [ebp-FILE_HANDLE], eax ; check if file was open successfully cmp eax, 0 jge _readFile_loop push eax push wrongfile_str call printf jmp _readFile_exit _readFile_loop: ; check if eof was reached cmp DWORD [ebp-IS_EOF], 1 je _readFile_exit push DWORD [ebp-FILE_HANDLE] call readLine mov esi, eax mov [ebp-IS_EOF], ebx ; push esi ; call printf ; make string buffer bigger mov eax, DWORD [ebp-LINES_READ] add eax, 1 mov ecx, 4 mul ecx push eax push DWORD [ebp-BUF_PTR] call realloc mov DWORD [ebp-BUF_PTR], eax ; write string to buffer mov eax, [ebp-LINES_READ] mov ecx, 4 mul ecx add eax, DWORD [ebp-BUF_PTR] mov [eax], esi ; push DWORD [eax] ; call printf add DWORD [ebp-LINES_READ], 1 jmp _readFile_loop _readFile_exit: ; close file mov eax, 6 mov ebx, [ebp-FILE_HANDLE] int 0x80 mov eax, [ebp-BUF_PTR] mov ecx, [ebp-LINES_READ] %undef _FILE_NAME %undef FILE_HANDLE %undef IS_EOF %undef LINES_READ %undef BUF_PTR mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret ; reads a line until newline character is reached ; args: file_handle ; return: ; eax: location to buffer ; ebx: contains eof ; ecx: number of chars read readLine: %define _FILE_HANDLE 8 %define CHAR_COUNT 4 ; count number of characters read %define BLOCK_COUNT 8 ; number of 64 blocks we've read %define STR_PTR 12 ; malloced buffer to store read string push ebp mov ebp, esp ; allocate vars sub esp, 12 mov DWORD [ebp-CHAR_COUNT], 0x00 mov DWORD [ebp-BLOCK_COUNT], 0x00 push 64 call malloc mov [ebp-STR_PTR], eax push DWORD [ebp-STR_PTR] push 0x00 push 64 _readLine_loop: ; if buffer is full cmp BYTE [ebp-CHAR_COUNT], 63 ; leave one byte for null byte jne _readLine_notfull jmp _readLine_exit _readLine_notfull: ; read a single character mov eax, 3 mov ebx, [ebp+_FILE_HANDLE] mov ecx, [ebp-STR_PTR] add ecx, [ebp-CHAR_COUNT] mov edx, 1 int 0x80 ; mov eax, 4 ; mov ebx, 1 ; mov ecx, [ebp-STR_PTR] ; add ecx, [ebp-CHAR_COUNT] ; mov edx, 1 ; int 0x80 ; check for eof cmp eax, 0 ; eax has zero on eof jne _readLine_not_eof mov ebx, 1 jmp _readLine_exit _readLine_not_eof: ; check for newline mov eax, [ebp-STR_PTR] add eax, [ebp-CHAR_COUNT] cmp DWORD [eax], 0x0a jne _readLine_not_newline mov ebx, 0 jmp _readLine_exit _readLine_not_newline: add DWORD [ebp-CHAR_COUNT], 1 jmp _readLine_loop _readLine_exit: mov eax, [ebp-BLOCK_COUNT] mov ecx, 63 mul ecx add eax, [ebp-CHAR_COUNT] mov ecx,eax mov eax, DWORD [ebp-STR_PTR] %undef _FILE_HANDLE %undef CHAR_COUNT %undef BLOCK_COUNT %undef STR_PTR mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret ; writes contents of string array into file ; arg: filename, string array ; writeFile: