%include "fileutils.S" extern printf extern fflush extern stdout extern free global repl section .data prompt_str db `sped > `, 0x00 invalidcmd_str db `invalid command\n`, 0x00 invalidaddr_str db `invalid address\n`, 0x00 charcount_str db `read %i chars\n`, 0x00 currentline_str db `current line: %i\n`, 0x00 echo_str db `%s`, 0x00 ; print strings without format exploit section .bss buffer resb 4 buffer_lines resb 4 buffer_filename resb 4 cur_line resb 4 section .text ; prompt for user ; args: buffer, buffer_lines, buffer_filename repl: %define _BUFFER 16 %define _BUFFER_LINES 12 %define _BUFFER_FILENAME 8 %define CMDSTR 4 ; the previous line read from user push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 4 ; set bss vars mov eax, [ebp+_BUFFER] mov [buffer], eax mov eax, [ebp+_BUFFER_LINES] mov [buffer_lines], eax mov eax, [ebp+_BUFFER_FILENAME] mov [buffer_filename], eax mov DWORD [cur_line], 0x00 _repl_loop: ; print the prompt push prompt_str call printf push DWORD [stdout] call fflush ; read line from stdin push 0 call readLine mov DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR], eax ; commands are single char for now cmp ecx, 1 jne _repl_invalid_cmd ; parse commands mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] mov eax, [eax] ; q exists program =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] cmp BYTE [eax], 'q' jne _repl_cmd_quit_end jmp _repl_exit _repl_cmd_quit_end: ; p prints current line =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] cmp BYTE [eax], 'p' jne _repl_cmd_print_end mov eax, DWORD [cur_line] mov ecx, 4 mul ecx add eax, [buffer] push DWORD [eax] push echo_str call printf jmp _repl_continue _repl_cmd_print_end: ; n prints the current line number =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] cmp BYTE [eax], 'n' jne _repl_cmd_number_end push DWORD [cur_line] push currentline_str call printf jmp _repl_continue _repl_cmd_number_end: ; - goes to prev line =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] cmp BYTE [eax], '-' jne _repl_cmd_decline_end ; make sure we are within bounds mov eax, DWORD [cur_line] sub eax, 1 cmp eax, 0 jl _repl_invalid_addr sub DWORD [cur_line], 1 jmp _repl_continue _repl_cmd_decline_end: ; + goes to next line =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] cmp BYTE [eax], '+' jne _repl_cmd_incline_end ; make sure we are within bounds mov eax, DWORD [cur_line] add eax, 1 cmp eax, [buffer_lines] jge _repl_invalid_addr add DWORD [cur_line], 1 jmp _repl_continue _repl_cmd_incline_end: ; g goes to first line =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] cmp BYTE [eax], 'g' jne _repl_cmd_jumptop_end mov DWORD [cur_line], 0x00 jmp _repl_continue _repl_cmd_jumptop_end: ; G goes to last line =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] cmp BYTE [eax], 'G' jne _repl_cmd_jumpbot_end mov eax, DWORD [buffer_lines] sub eax, 1 mov DWORD [cur_line], eax jmp _repl_continue _repl_cmd_jumpbot_end: ; c changes the current line =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] cmp BYTE [eax], 'c' jne _repl_cmd_change_end ; read a new line to use push 0 call readLine mov esi, eax ; free old string mov eax, [cur_line] mov ecx, 4 mul ecx add eax, [buffer] push DWORD [eax] call free ; insert new string mov eax, [cur_line] mov ecx, 4 mul ecx add eax, DWORD [buffer] mov [eax], esi jmp _repl_continue _repl_cmd_change_end: ; d delete line =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] cmp BYTE [eax], 'd' jne _repl_cmd_delete_end jmp _repl_continue _repl_cmd_delete_end: ; w writes file =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mov eax, DWORD [ebp-CMDSTR] cmp BYTE [eax], 'w' jne _repl_cmd_write_end push DWORD [buffer_filename] push DWORD [buffer] push DWORD [buffer_lines] call writeFile jmp _repl_continue _repl_cmd_write_end: ; if no commands were matched, it's an error jmp _repl_invalid_cmd ; some error messages _repl_invalid_cmd: push invalidcmd_str call printf jmp _repl_continue _repl_invalid_addr: push invalidaddr_str call printf jmp _repl_continue _repl_continue: jmp _repl_loop _repl_exit: %undef _BUFFER %undef _BUFFER_LINES %undef _BUFFER_FILENAME %undef CMDSTR mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret