--- /dev/null
+# Pinopress
+**pinopress** is a modular makefile based static blog generator. that means you run the build script once and every page is generated beforehand.
+built in features include markdown generated blog articles, and a rss feed.
+## templates
+templates are html snippets that you can customize. these templates are then pieced together to form the final html page. **pinopress** makes extensive use of **gnu envsubst** so in each template, you can use variables that will be substituted in on build.
+## modules
+these have not been implemented yet, but modules are shellscripts that are called during the build process that can add extra features.
+here are some potential ideas for modules:
+- [ ] syntax highlight for code blocks
+- [ ] blog average time to read
+## pinopress flavored markdown
+pinopress articles are written in an enhanced version of markdown. specification coming soon.
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+SITEURL := https://blog.danieliu.xyz
+.PHONY: help build clean
+# internal variables
+TEMPLATE_DIR := templates
+BUILD_DIR := build
+ARTICLE_DIR := articles
+ARTICLE_LIST := $(basename $(shell ls $(ARTICLE_DIR)))
+ @echo 'pinopress help|build|clean'
+ @echo 'building...'
+ @echo 'cleaning...'