static GdkNativeWindow embed = 0;
static gboolean showxid = FALSE;
static gboolean ignore_once = FALSE;
-static gchar *workdir;
+static gchar *buildpath(const gchar *path);
static void cleanup(void);
static void clipboard(Client *c, const Arg *arg);
static gchar *copystr(gchar **str, const gchar *src);
/* configuration, allows nested code to access above variables */
#include "config.h"
+gchar *
+buildpath(const gchar *path) {
+ gchar *apath, *p;
+ FILE *f;
+ /* creating directory */
+ if(path[0] == '/')
+ apath = g_strdup(path);
+ else
+ apath = g_strconcat(g_get_home_dir(), "/", path, NULL);
+ if((p = strrchr(apath, '/'))) {
+ *p = '\0';
+ g_mkdir_with_parents(apath, 0755);
+ *p = '/';
+ }
+ /* creating file (gives error when apath ends with "/") */
+ if((f = g_fopen(apath, "a")))
+ fclose(f);
+ puts(apath);
+ return apath;
cleanup(void) {
- g_free(workdir);
+ g_free(stylefile);
+ g_free(scriptfile);
+ g_free(dldir);
initdownload(WebKitWebView *view, WebKitDownload *o, Client *c) {
const gchar *filename;
- gchar *uri, *path, *html;
+ gchar *uri, *html;
stop(c, NULL);
c->download = o;
filename = webkit_download_get_suggested_filename(o);
- path = g_build_filename(workdir, "dl",
- filename, NULL);
- uri = g_strconcat("file://", path, NULL);
+ uri = g_strconcat("file://", dldir, "/", filename, NULL);
webkit_download_set_destination_uri(c->download, uri);
c->progress = 0;
newclient(void) {
Client *c;
WebKitWebSettings *settings;
- gchar *filename;
+ gchar *uri;
if(!(c = calloc(1, sizeof(Client))))
die("Cannot malloc!\n");
webkit_web_view_set_full_content_zoom(c->view, TRUE);
settings = webkit_web_view_get_settings(c->view);
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), "user-agent", "surf", NULL);
- filename = g_build_filename(workdir, "style.css", NULL);
- filename = g_strdup_printf("file://%s", filename);
- g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), "user-stylesheet-uri", filename, NULL);
+ uri = g_strconcat("file://", stylefile, NULL);
+ g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), "user-stylesheet-uri", uri, NULL);
+ g_free(uri);
c->download = NULL;
c->title = NULL;
rereadcookies(void) {
- const gchar *filename;
- filename = g_build_filename(workdir, "cookies", NULL);
setup(void) {
- const gchar *home, *name;
SoupSession *s;
- FILE *tmp;
gtk_init(NULL, NULL);
if (!g_thread_supported())
urlprop = XInternAtom(dpy, "_SURF_URL", False);
/* create dirs and files */
- home = g_get_home_dir();
- workdir = g_strdup(g_build_filename(home, ".surf", NULL));
- g_mkdir_with_parents(workdir, 0755);
- name = g_build_filename(workdir, "dl", NULL);
- g_mkdir(name, 0755);
- name = g_build_filename(workdir, "style.css", NULL);
- if((tmp = g_fopen(name, "a")));
- fclose(tmp);
- name = g_build_filename(workdir, "script.js", NULL);
- if((tmp = g_fopen(name, "a")));
- fclose(tmp);
+ cookiefile = buildpath(cookiefile);
+ dldir = buildpath(dldir);
+ scriptfile = buildpath(scriptfile);
+ stylefile = buildpath(stylefile);
/* cookie persistance */
s = webkit_get_default_session();
- name = g_build_filename(workdir, "cookies.txt", NULL);
- cookiejar = soup_cookie_jar_text_new(name, FALSE);
+ cookiejar = soup_cookie_jar_text_new(cookiefile, FALSE);
soup_session_add_feature(s, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(cookiejar));
windowobjectcleared(GtkWidget *w, WebKitWebFrame *frame, JSContextRef js, JSObjectRef win, Client *c) {
JSStringRef jsscript;
- gchar *script, *filename;
+ gchar *script;
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
GError *error;
- filename = g_build_filename(workdir, "script.js", NULL);
- if(g_file_get_contents(filename, &script, NULL, &error)) {
+ if(g_file_get_contents(scriptfile, &script, NULL, &error)) {
jsscript = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(script);
- JSEvaluateScript (js, jsscript, JSContextGetGlobalObject(js), NULL, 0, &exception);
+ JSEvaluateScript(js, jsscript, JSContextGetGlobalObject(js), NULL, 0, &exception);
+ else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--"))
+ break;
else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-v"))
die("surf-"VERSION", © 2009 surf engineers, see LICENSE for details\n");
else if(argv[i][0] == '-')