-- ui :: B.Widget ()
-- ui = B.str "hello" <+> B.str "World"
+hGetLines :: Handle -> IO [String]
+hGetLines h = do
+ line <- hGetLine h
+ isEof <- hIsEOF h
+ if isEof then return [line]
+ else do
+ lines <- hGetLines h
+ return (line:lines)
main = do
argv <- getArgs
(opts, fname) <- ekitaiOpts argv
handle <- openFile fname ReadMode
- contents <- hGetContents handle
- putStr contents
+ contents <- hGetLines handle
hClose handle
- initialState <- buildInitialState $ stringToSim 10 10 contents
+ -- putStrLn $ show $ stringToSim contents
+ initialState <- buildInitialState $ stringToSim contents
endState <- B.defaultMain ekitaiApp initialState
print endState
+ return 0
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = do
countdown _ [] = []
countdown m (x:xs) = x:countdown (m-1) xs
-stringToSim :: Int -> Int -> [Char] -> Simulation
-stringToSim w h st =
- _stringToSim st [(x, y) | x <- [0..w-1], y <- [0..h-1]] (initSimSpace w h)
+-- stringToSim :: [String] -> Simulation
+stringToSim strings =
+ _stringToSim st grid (initSimSpace w h)
+ where stripped = strings
+ w = maximum $ [(length s) | s <- stripped]
+ h = length stripped
+ grid = [(a,b) | a <- [0..(length stripped)-1], b <- [0..(length $ stripped !! a)-1]]
+ st = concat stripped
_stringToSim st grid acc =
if null grid || null st then acc
else _stringToSim (tail st) (tail grid) next
- where x = fst $ head grid
- y = snd $ head grid
+ where y = fst $ head grid -- not exactly sure why y and x got switched here
+ x = snd $ head grid
next = simSet acc (charToChunk $ head st) x y
-- maps each chunktype to an ascii character