alias suckless-clean='make clean && rm -rf config.h && git reset --hard home/master'
alias musicdl="youtube-dl -f bestaudio"
alias mpv="mpv --no-input-default-bindings"
-# alias lockscreen='slock -m "$(figlet locked xd | cowsay -f cheese -n)"'
alias darkmpv='mpv --vf=sub,lavfi="negate"'
+# alias lockscreen='slock -m "$(figlet locked xd | cowsay -f cheese -n)"'
alias nmaplocal='nmap -sn'
alias refreshusb='udevadm control --reload-rules'
+alias vpnup='nmcli connection up pinovpn'
source fzfutil
# Dotfiles!!
+## Scripts
+Here are some notable Scripts
+### fzfutil
+cd-ing and vi-ing at the speed of light. Uses fzf to let you cd to dirs and edit files across the galaxy.
+Simply source the script in your .bashrc or equivalent.
+Customize which directories you want to include by editing the script.
+### git-pushall
+Useful for when you have a repo with multiple remotes and are too lazy to push to them all.
+Usage is as follows:
+git-pushall [branch]
+Limitations: does not work on bare repos yet
+### mpd-change
+Sends a notification whenever mpd changes songs. Does not send anything on pause/play.
+### screenshot
+Take screenshots with scrot. Dmenu prompt for filename, leaving empty generates a default name.
+Limitations: no way to cancel screenshot, also the name prompt happens before the screenshot is taken (which is sorta annoying).
+Will improve later.
+### usbmnt
+Sends a notification whenever usb is mounted.
## How I manage dotfiles
This method of managing dotfiles was inspired by [this]( video.
dotfiles commit -m 'added .bashrc'
-## Features
--- /dev/null
+syn match Spoiler /||.*||/ conceal cchar=
+setlocal conceallevel=2
set number
set relativenumber
set incsearch
+set smartcase
set encoding=utf-8
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
call StatusModeColor()
call StatusModifiedColor()
+autocmd BufWritePost <buffer> call StatusModifiedColor()
set laststatus=2
set statusline=
set statusline+=%{StatusModeColor()}
-set statusline+=%1*\ |
+set statusline+=%{StatusModifiedColor()}
+set statusline+=%1*\ |
set statusline+=%0*\ vim\ \[%{mode()}\]
+set statusline+=\[%{BufCount()}\]
set statusline+=\ %1*\ %{expand('%:~:.')}\ %m
set statusline+=%=
set statusline+=%y
set statusline+=\ %r\[%{v:register}\]
set statusline+=\ %l/%L:%c\ |
set statusline+=%1*\ |
-" set statusline+=%{StatusModeColor()}
-" set statusline+=%{StatusModifiedColor()}
-" set statusline+=%1*\ |
-" set statusline+=%0*\ vim\ \[%{mode()}\]
-" set statusline+=\[%{BufCount()}\]
-" set statusline+=\ %1*\ %{expand('%:~:.')}\ %m
-" set statusline+=%=
-" set statusline+=%y
-" set statusline+=\ %0*
-" set statusline+=\ %r\[%{v:register}\]
-" set statusline+=\ %l/%L:%c\ |
-" set statusline+=%1*\ |
" Templates
augroup templates
ibus-daemon -drx
# start some daemons
+dwmblocks &
tiramisu -j | notify &
acpi_listen &
redshift -l 55.7:12.6 -t 3000:3000 -g 0.85 -m randr -v &
mpd-change &
xbanish &
picom &
-dwmblocks &
#syncthing &
exec dwm
devpath="/dev/bus/usb/$(printf %03d $2)/$(printf %03d $3)"
manname="$(lsusb -D $devpath | grep 'iManufacturer' | sed 's/\s*iManufacturer\s*[0-9]\s*//')"
devname="$(lsusb -D $devpath | grep 'iProduct' | sed 's/\s*iProduct\s*[0-9]\s*//')"
- su pinosaur -c "notify-send 'USB inserted: $manname $devname'"
+ su pinosaur -c "notify-send -i '' 'USB inserted: $manname $devname'"
- r) su pinosaur -c "notify-send 'USB ejected'";;
+ r) su pinosaur -c "notify-send -i '' 'USB ejected'";;
*) exit 1;;