sub() {
cat - |\
+ sed "1i <!-- ID:$1 START -->" |\
+ sed "\$a <!-- ID:$1 END -->" |\
sed "s|{{TITLE}}|$1|g;
s|{{DATE}}|`date +'%a, %b %d %H:%M'`|g;
s|{{URL}}|$website_url/$1|g" |\
cat $blog_template | sub "$to_publish" \
> "$data_dir/html/$to_publish.html"
- index_entry="$(cat "$data_dir/templates/$index_template" | sub "$to_publish")"
- #sed is breaking when trying to add multiple lines for some reason
+ temp_index="$(mktemp)" # probably bad idea
+ cat "$data_dir/templates/$index_template" | sub "$to_publish" >> $temp_index
+ temp_rolling="$(mktemp)"
+ cat "$data_dir/templates/$rolling_template" | sub "$to_publish" >> $temp_rolling
+ temp_rss="$(mktemp)"
+ cat "$data_dir/templates/$rss_template" | sub "$to_publish" >> $temp_rss
# Add new entry to blog index (do something about indent??)
- # echo -e "/<!-- BLOG START -->/a \n<!-- ID:$to_publish START -->\n$index_entry\n<!-- ID:$to_publish END -->"
- sed -i "/<!-- BLOG START -->/a <!-- ID:$to_publish START -->\n${index_entry}\n<!-- ID:$to_publish END -->" "$blog_index_file"
+ sed -i "/<!-- BLOG START -->/r $temp_index" "$blog_index_file"
+ sed -i "/<!-- BLOG START -->/r $temp_rolling" "$rolling_file"
+ sed -i "/<!-- BLOG START -->/r $temp_rss" "$rss_file"
mv "$data_dir/drafts/$to_publish.draft.html" "$data_dir/published/"