[ ! -z "$EDITOR" ] && EDITOR="vim"
init() {
- read -p "Initialize blog? [y/n] " ask
+ read -p "Initialize blog here? [y/n] " ask
[ "$ask" != "y" ] && exit 0
mkdir -p "$data_dir/drafts" "$data_dir/published" "$data_dir/html" "$data_dir/templates"
cat $blog_template | sub "$to_publish" \
> "$data_dir/html/$to_publish.html"
+ index_entry="$(cat "$data_dir/templates/$index_template" | sub "$to_publish")"
+ #sed is breaking when trying to add multiple lines for some reason
# Add new entry to blog index (do something about indent??)
- sed -i "/<!-- BLOG START -->/ a\
- <!-- ID:$to_publish START -->\n`cat "$data_dir/templates/$index_template" | sub "$to_publish"`\n<!-- ID:$to_publish END -->" "$blog_index_file"
+ # echo -e "/<!-- BLOG START -->/a \n<!-- ID:$to_publish START -->\n$index_entry\n<!-- ID:$to_publish END -->"
+ sed -i "/<!-- BLOG START -->/a <!-- ID:$to_publish START -->\n${index_entry}\n<!-- ID:$to_publish END -->" "$blog_index_file"
mv "$data_dir/drafts/$to_publish.draft.html" "$data_dir/published/"
+ echo "Successfully published $to_publish"
delete() {
# remove entries from files
echo -e "$blog_index_file\n$rolling_file\n$rss_file" | xargs sed -i "/<!-- ID:$to_delete START -->/,/<!-- ID:$to_delete END -->/ d"
+ echo "Successfully deleted $to_delete"
# check to see if all required files are present
# check if blog dir exists
-[ ! -d $data_dir ] && init
+[ ! -d $data_dir ] && init && exit
case $1 in
- i|init) init;;
n|new) new "$2";;
p|publish) publish;;
d|delete) delete;;