alias nmaplocal='nmap -sn'
alias refreshusb='udevadm control --reload-rules'
alias vpnup='nmcli connection up pinovpn'
+# connect to wifi
+# nmcli device wifi connect WIFI_NAME password PASSWORD
source fzfutil
+snippet matrix "Set of Matricies" w
snippet implies "Implies" w
+snippet ... "elpises" iA
+# text
snippet span "Span" w
+snippet col "Col" w
+snippet row "Row" w
+snippet rank "Rank" w
+snippet nullity "Nullity" w
snippet eea "Extended Euclidian Algorithm" w
--- /dev/null
+snippet entity "Entity" w
+Entity $1 is port
+ $0
+end Entity;
set nrformats+=alpha "inc/dec alpha
set hidden
+" cursors depending on mode
+let &t_EI = "\<Esc>[2 q" "normal mode
+let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q" "insert mode
+let &t_SR = "\<Esc>[4 q" "replace mode
" spell check
setlocal spell
set spelllang=en_us
# This is a simple launcher script for Taskell
-#also look into autocomplete and pressing esc to quit this script
-# todo: check to see if name is taken, also append .md
cd "$boards_path"
- board="new_board"
- mode=$(printf "o\nn" | dmenu -i -p "Open board (O) or create new board (N)?")
- [ $mode = "n" ] && board=$(dmenu -p "Choose a name for the board") || \
- [ $mode = "o" ] && board=$(ls -1 | dmenu -i -p "Choose board to open")
+ board=$(ls -1 | dmenu -i -p "Choose board to open")
[ -z "$board" ] && exit 1
st -e taskell "$board"