alias musicdl="youtube-dl -f bestaudio"
alias mpv="mpv --no-input-default-bindings"
alias slock='slock -m "$(figlet locked xd | cowsay -f cheese -n)"'
+alias darkmpv='mpv --vf=sub,lavfi="negate"'
source fzfutil
map d
set icons true
set hidden true
map . set hidden!
# =-=-=-=-= custom 'go to' commands
+# downloads
+map gd. cd ~/Downloads
+map gdw cd ~/Downloads/wallpapers
+map gds cd ~/Downloads/screenshots
# school
-map gd cd ~/Downloads
map gS cd ~/Scripts
map gs. cd ~/School
-map gsc cd ~/School/cs145
-map gsm5 cd ~/School/math135
-map gsm7 cd ~/School/math137
-map gsp cd ~/School/phys121
-map gss cd ~/School/spcom223
+# map gsc cd ~/School/cs145
+# map gsm5 cd ~/School/math135
+# map gsm7 cd ~/School/math137
+# map gsp cd ~/School/phys121
+# map gss cd ~/School/spcom223
+map gsc cd ~/School/cs146
+map gsm6 cd ~/School/math136
+map gsm8 cd ~/School/math138
+map gsp cd ~/School/phys175
+map gse cd ~/School/econ101
# config
map gc. cd ~/.config
--- /dev/null
+# reads the config file and pushes to all the remotes
+config_path="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.git/config" 2>/dev/null
+[ ! "$?" = 0 ] && echo "Failed: not a git repo." && exit 1
+[ -z "$1" ] && echo "Failed: Please supply a branch to push to." && exit 1
+# look for all remotes
+cat "$config_path" | sed '/^\[remote "/!d; s/^\[remote "//; s/"]$//' |\
+ xargs -I _ git push _ "$1"
# user is already defined
-hostname="$(cat /etc/hostname)"
os='Arch Linux'
host="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name) $(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_family)"
kernel="$(uname -sr)"
+# ${c0} /\\ ${nc}${USER}${ic}@${nc}${hostname}${reset}
+# ${c0} / \\ ${lc}OS: ${ic}${os}${reset}
+# ${c0} /\\ \\ ${lc}KERNEL: ${ic}${kernel}${reset}
+# ${c0} / __ \\ ${lc}HOST: ${ic}${host}${reset}
+# ${c0} / ( ) \\ ${lc}UPTIME: ${ic}${uptime}${reset}
+# ${c0} / __| |__\\\\ ${lc}PACKAGES: ${ic}${packages}${reset}
+# ${c0} /.\` \`.\\ ${lc}SHELL: ${ic}${shell}${reset}
+# ${lc}${uitype}: ${ic}${ui}${reset}
+# ${bold}${red}██${green}██${yellow}██${blue}██${magenta}██${cyan}██${white}██${reset} ${lc}TERM: ${ic}${term}${reset}
+ # ${bold}${red}██${green}██${yellow}██${blue}██${magenta}██${cyan}██${white}██${reset}
cat <<EOF
-${c0} /\\ ${nc}${USER}${ic}@${nc}${hostname}${reset}
-${c0} / \\ ${lc}OS: ${ic}${os}${reset}
-${c0} /\\ \\ ${lc}KERNEL: ${ic}${kernel}${reset}
-${c0} / __ \\ ${lc}HOST: ${ic}${host}${reset}
-${c0} / ( ) \\ ${lc}UPTIME: ${ic}${uptime}${reset}
-${c0} / __| |__\\\\ ${lc}PACKAGES: ${ic}${packages}${reset}
-${c0} /.\` \`.\\ ${lc}SHELL: ${ic}${shell}${reset}
- ${lc}${uitype}: ${ic}${ui}${reset}
- ${bold}${red}██${green}██${yellow}██${blue}██${magenta}██${cyan}██${white}██${reset} ${lc}TERM: ${ic}${term}${reset}
+${c0} . ${nc}${USER}${ic}@${nc}${hostname}${reset}
+${c0} / \\ ${lc}OS: ${ic}${os}${reset}
+${c0} / \\ ${lc}KERNEL: ${ic}${kernel}${reset}
+${c0} /^. \\ ${lc}HOST: ${ic}${host}${reset}
+${c0} / .-. \\ ${lc}UPTIME: ${ic}${uptime}${reset}
+${c0} / ( ) _\\ ${lc}PACKAGES: ${ic}${packages}${reset}
+${c0} / _.~ ~._^\\ ${lc}${uitype}: ${ic}${ui}${reset}
+${c0} /.^ ^.\\ ${lc}TERM: ${ic}${term}${reset}
--- /dev/null
+# ufetch-gentoo - tiny system info for gentoo
+## INFO
+# user is already defined
+os='Gentoo Linux'
+host="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name) $(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_family)"
+kernel="$(uname -sr)"
+uptime="$(uptime -p | sed 's/up //')"
+packages="$(ls -d /var/db/pkg/*/* | wc -l)"
+shell="$(basename "${SHELL}")"
+parse_rcs() {
+ for f in "${@}"; do
+ wm="$(tail -n 1 "${f}" 2> /dev/null | cut -d ' ' -f 2)"
+ [ -n "${wm}" ] && echo "${wm}" && return
+ done
+rcwm="$(parse_rcs "${HOME}/.xinitrc" "${HOME}/.xsession")"
+if [ -n "${DE}" ]; then
+ ui="${DE}"
+ uitype='DE'
+elif [ -n "${WM}" ]; then
+ ui="${WM}"
+ uitype='WM'
+elif [ -n "${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP}" ]; then
+ uitype='DE'
+elif [ -n "${DESKTOP_SESSION}" ]; then
+ uitype='DE'
+elif [ -n "${rcwm}" ]; then
+ ui="${rcwm}"
+ uitype='WM'
+elif [ -n "${XDG_SESSION_TYPE}" ]; then
+ui="$(basename "${ui}")"
+# probably don't change these
+if [ -x "$(command -v tput)" ]; then
+ bold="$(tput bold)"
+ black="$(tput setaf 0)"
+ red="$(tput setaf 1)"
+ green="$(tput setaf 2)"
+ yellow="$(tput setaf 3)"
+ blue="$(tput setaf 4)"
+ magenta="$(tput setaf 5)"
+ cyan="$(tput setaf 6)"
+ white="$(tput setaf 7)"
+ reset="$(tput sgr0)"
+# you can change these
+lc="${reset}${bold}${magenta}" # labels
+nc="${reset}${bold}${white}" # user and hostname
+ic="${reset}" # info
+c0="${reset}${bold}${magenta}" # first color
+c1="${reset}${magenta}" # second color
+cat <<EOF
+ ${nc}${USER}${ic}@${nc}${hostname}${reset}
+${c0} .-----. ${lc}OS: ${ic}${os}${reset}
+${c0} .\` _ \`. ${lc}KERNEL: ${ic}${kernel}${reset}
+${c0} \`. (${c1}_) ${c0}\`. ${lc}HOST: ${ic}${host}${reset}
+${c0} \`${c1}. / ${lc}UPTIME: ${ic}${uptime}${reset}
+${c1} .\` .\` ${lc}PACKAGES: ${ic}${packages}${reset}
+${c1} / .\` ${lc}${uitype}: ${ic}${ui}${reset}
+${c1} \____.-\` ${lc}TERM: ${ic}${term}${reset}