ekitai.hs is a terminal fluid simulator written in haskell. it is a submission to RUHacks 2021. the simulation algorithm is quite simple, it's a similar particle based one that games like 'the sandbox' and 'terraria' use.
## Usage
-ekitai reads a text file with the desired simulation. samples can be found in the samples/ directory of this repo. valid characters for the simulation are as follows
+ekitai reads a text file with the desired simulation. samples can be found in the samples/ directory of this repo or at /usr/share/ekitai/samples. valid characters for the simulation are as follows
- `#`: wall block
- `~`: water
- `@`: pump, spawns water below it
- `O`: drain, removes water around it
+you can also consult the man page with `man ekitai`.
## Installation
### Deb based
+you can get the deb file from my site, the installation process is as follows
+wget https://files.danieliu.xyz/repos/debian/ekitai.hs/ekitai.hs_1.0-1.deb
+sudo dpkg -i ekitai.hs_1.0-1.deb
+sudo apt-get install -f
### Arch based
+simply get the pkgbuild from my site
+mkdir ekitai.hs-git
+cd ekitai.hs-git
+wget https://files.danieliu.xyz/repos/arch/ekitai.hs/PKGBUILD
+makepkg -si
### Build from Source
as this project does not use stack or cabal or anything, haskell dependencies will have to be installed separately. this is a bit difficult to document since the packages varies by distro, for arch at least, the following are required
- ghc
HFLAGS=-dynamic -threaded
-.PHONY: ekitai clean test
+.PHONY: ekitai clean test install uninstall
ekitai: Ekitai.hs
$(HC) $(HFLAGS) --make $< && \
chmod 775 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ekitai
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
cp -f ekitai.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPLEPREFIX)/ekitai
+ cp -r samples $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPLEPREFIX)/ekitai
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ekitai \
- $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/ekitai.1
+ rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ekitai \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/ekitai.1 \