5 Here are some notable Scripts
8 Paste emote sized images automatically when dmenu (~~great for if you don't have nitro~~).
11 cd-ing and vi-ing at the speed of light. Uses fzf to let you cd to dirs and edit files across the galaxy.
12 Simply source the script in your .bashrc or equivalent.
13 Customize which directories you want to include by editing the script.
16 Useful for when you have a repo with multiple remotes and are too lazy to push to them all.
21 Limitations: does not work on bare repos yet
24 Sends a notification whenever mpd changes songs. Does not send anything on pause/play.
27 Take screenshots with scrot. Dmenu prompt for filename, leaving empty generates a default name.
28 Limitations: no way to cancel screenshot, also the name prompt happens before the screenshot is taken (which is sorta annoying).
32 Sends a notification whenever usb is mounted.
34 ## How I manage dotfiles
35 This method of managing dotfiles was inspired by [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBoLDpTWVOM) video.
38 Run in your home directory:
40 git init --bare .dotfiles
43 Then for ease of use add this alias to your bashrc (etc):
45 alias dotfiles='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME'
48 After reloading the shell, run:
50 dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
53 Now you can use the normal git commands like so
57 dotfiles commit -m 'added .bashrc'